Fuel business growth with Global Database for Asana
Keep your team focused on the most important projects, and let Global Database provide all of the company data you need.
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Meticulously sourced data
We use hundreds of different sources to ensure our company intelligence is cross-checked and always as complete as possible. Real-time web-crawling keeps it fresh, with daily updates coming as standard.
Fresh, quality data at your fingertips
Ensuring that your B2B data is accurate and clean is easier than ever with Global Database for Asana. Decide how and when the data is updated, and leave the rest to us. You can enjoy refreshed and valid B2B intelligence without the cost of performing a regular manual cleanse.
Stay in control with custom configuration
Your data is always safe with us. Global Database doesn't alter any information without your say so. You can set your own rules regarding how data is mapped into Asana, ensuring you're always in total control of your B2B company intelligence.