Bahrain Company Phone Database
Our phone database has 408 phone numbers for Bahrain key contacts, so no matter who you are targeting you can be sure to find the leads you need. What's more, all of our numbers are direct – no more hassle from being met by gatekeepers; instead you could be speaking with a company CEO within minutes.
Provide your BDRs with the right tools
Book a DemoBahrain B2B Marketing Database
The Global Database Bahrain business directory makes it easy to find the specific organisations and professionals you need. Filtering the database by seniority level means that you can target only CEOs and CTOs. Similarly, if you'd only like to buy small business data, you can do so by using the employee size filter, giving your team access to a finely-tuned B2B email list, perfect for segmented campaigns.
Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
Request Free TrialFrequently Asked Questions
Can I get a list of construction companies in Bahrain with email address xls?
Yes, if you have our license, you can export the entire list to XLS without restriction and at no extra cost.
How many companies are listed in the Bahrain company list?
Global Database lists 5,180 companies in Bahrain. We update and check our database every month, so our data is up to 95% up-to-date and accurate.
What are the biggest IT companies in Bahrain?
- Oracle Corporation is a Bahrain, American, and 4 more multinational computer technology corporations. The company sells database software and technology (particularly its brands), cloud-engineered systems, and enterprise software products. Oracle revenue for the quarter ending February 28, 2021, was $10,085B, a 2.95% increase year-over-year.
- HP (Hewlett-Packard) focuses on simplifying the technology experience for all of its customers, from individual consumers to the largest companies. HP is among the largest IT companies in the world. According to Hewlett Packard Enterprise's latest financial reports, the company's current revenue (for the medium term) is $27.92 billion.
Does GlobalDatabase offer a list of lead generation agencies in Bahrain?
The Bahrain Companies Database from Global Database holds contact details for 5006 leading companies and key employees within Bahrain.
Can I order a Free demo to find out how to search for Bahrain companies?
Yes, of course you can do that. First, we provide a free demonstration, so you can see if our product is right for you and if you will be comfortable working with it. We recommend that you contact our representative to discuss all the details.
What is the biggest Business in Bahrain by revenue?
ABC Islamic Bank is a joint-stock company providing investment banking and asset management services by Islamic principles. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Arab Banking Corporation. Equity capital as of September 30, 2021, was $294 million.