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Sales11 min read
B2B E-Commerce: To Ignore Or Not To Ignore
B2B e-commerce has evolved and is experiencing a state of continuous rapid growth. Various industries continue to analyze and foresee the financial impact of allowing customers to do purchases online. This article allows seeing what benefits and drawbacks you can expect before going forward with implementation.
Sales10 min read
B2B Opportunity Costs: The Trade-Offs of Not Using Company Intelligence Today
Considering the uncertainties that could unfold, it is hard for businesses to choose what should be a priority and what should come as a second option. This is what today’s article is about - understanding the costs of the decisions you take today.
Sales7 min read
How to Identify Your Buyers' Persona Profiles
The term 'buyer persona profile' may be relatively new in the grand scheme of things, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that it's all a pointless fad that will fade into marketing obscurity in a few years.
Sales15 min read
What is Data Quality and Why is it Important for Your Business?
Ensuring the data is accurate and up to date is important wherever it's being used. Today, there is no type of organisation or business that is completely untouched by data. With complex and large volumes of information being used for a multitude of purposes, the role of data quality is bigger than ever.
Sales7 min read
How To Increase Your Sales in Q4 and Close the Financial Year Successfully, Using a Business Intelligence Platform
In this case study you’ll discover how some of our clients overcame their Q3 difficulties and increased sales during the Q4 of 2017, all using proven techniques in combination with the verified data that the Global Database platform provides.
Sales6 min read
The Power of Business Intelligence - Why retailers love BI
Despite the e-commerce growing fast and taking more and more of the physical retail sales share, bricks and mortar retailers can still stay competitive. Do you wonder what the secret sauce of their success in the modern world is? Learn why BI is the driver of great decisions, and how can retailers benefit from it by using the comprehensive data and detailed analytics BI can provide.
Sales5 min read
How to make 2017 your best year yet
As is their job, shareholders demand year-on-year sales increases to prove the ongoing health of your business. So here’s what you need to do if you’re serious about making 2017 your best year yet.
Sales5 min read
How to Re-engage with passive newsletter subscribers
Email marketing has been one of the most successful online marketing techniques for a very long time. Nothing quite compares with making direct communication with a prospect to push a marketing message under their nose.
Sales9 min read
How to Sell in Crisis
With the current degree of globalisation, a crisis that would hit only one country, region or vertical is quite impossible to imagine. Starting with one state being hit both socially and economically, the impact has internationally spread quite as fast as the virus itself. With many negative effects of the pandemic on B2B companies in mind, we decided to post our 12 suggested solutions on how to sell in crisis.
Sales8 min read
Marketing Your Product to Legal Professionals
Despite the rise of social media, email is still very much the most effective tool when it comes to turning potential leads into customers, and in order to use it efficiently your business needs to have the direct contact details for a large number of leads; this is where list-building comes in.
Sales12 min read
Personalisation - an efficient way to stand out among other B2B email marketing campaigns
If you manage to make your customers or business partners feel special, you raise your chances to gain their loyalty. Find out why and how personalisation marketing can help you keep your existing business relationships and establish new ones.
Sales35 min read
The Complete Guide to Building Your List of Prospects to email marketing Contact - GlobalDatabase.com
When it comes to prospecting new potential clients, things can get challenging. Nowadays, businesses are much more savvy to the fact that it's not so much about quantity, but rather the quality of the leads you're targeting - GlobalDatabase.com