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Sales5-7 min read
Top 20 Pharmaceutical companies by revenue in 2023
The pharmaceutical industry plays a critical role in advancing medical science, developing life-saving treatments, and improving the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.
Top GDB companies6 min read
Top 15 Companies in Asia by Sales in 2022
Asia is home for a lot of companies, mentioned in the Forbes and Fortune yearly ratings, most of them located in China. Check the article below to see, what are the other economy leaders across the continent and what companies could be investment attractive.
Sales5-7 min read
Top 20 IT & Software companies by revenue in 2023
The global IT and software industry continues to thrive, spearheading technological advancements and revolutionizing the way businesses operate.
Digital insights5 min read
Why Use B2B Data Integration APIs When Building Your App?
When building an app, it's very likely that you'd be willing to base it on high quality data. B2B data providers offer you APIs that deliver data integration solutions, and here is how you can use them for efficient B2B data exchange.
Sales5-7 min read
Top 25 E-commerce Companies by revenue in 2023
In the fast-paced digital era, e-commerce has emerged as a driving force, transforming the way we shop and revolutionizing the retail landscape.
Marketing3-5 min read
Empower Your Business Growth with B2B Data Enrichment: A Comprehensive Guide
Imagine the possibility of your sales team peering into a mystical crystal ball, gazing upon it to reveal precise and pertinent information about your target prospects🙂
Top GDB companies11 min read
Top 25 companies in Singapore by Revenue in 2017
Being an air and marine passengers and cargo transportation, water supply, oil & gas transit, financial world hub, Singapore counts on all sorts of taxes and licence fees as on one of its government main revenue sources.
News3-5 min read
Connecting the Business World: Global Database Now Maps Over 14 Million Companies Globally
Understanding the complex web of global company linkages is an essential aspect of conducting business in today's interconnected world. Gaining accurate and reliable data might be a challenging task
Top GDB companies11 min read
Top 20 US Companies by Profit in 2022
The top 20 US companies by revenue in 2022 is a list that is constantly changing. In order to stay ahead of the competition, businesses must focus on innovation and customer satisfaction. These are two factors that contribute to a company's success. In this post, we will take a look at the top companies by profit in 2022 and see how they became so successful.
Digital insights10-12 min read
Top Artificial Intelligence Companies by revenue in 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of technological innovation, driving unprecedented transformations across various industries globally. In 2022, AI companies continued to flourish, proving their invaluable role in shaping our future. Amid this rapid evolution, a cadre of trailblazers stood out for their extraordinary achievements, leading the pack in terms of revenue generation.
Top GDB companies13 min read
Top 25 companies in Mexico by Revenue in 2021
2021 was the first year Mexico’s gross public sector debt dropped after its drastic and continuous growth for the last 12 years, peaking in 2016. The country’s public debt made its way from 37% in 2005 to 58% of GDP in 2016 and to 54% in 2018. It is still high for the region, but it is on a downward path due to the recent changes in fiscal policies.
30+ B2B Data Enrichment Tools of Our Choice for Lead Generation in 2023
Stats show, that the average data decay is about 3% per month. This is why top B2B lead generation and data enrichment solutions are of great importance for both marketing and sales teams. Here is our list of the most promising data enrichment tools of our choice for lead generation in 2023 - GlobalDatabase.com