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Top GDB companies6 min read
Top 20 Software and Programming Companies by Sales in the World in 2018
Although IT is the fastest growing industry all over the world, the USA still keeps the leading positions due to its highly developed IT environment and related experience and is followed by the EU. As the statistics show, the best companies, generating the most sales in the industry, are those present on the market for more than a couple of years.
Top GDB companies22 min read
Top 50 Companies in Germany by Sales in 2019
Germany is one of the top powerhouses in Europe with a highly developed social market economy. However, in 2019, according to Destasis, Germany hit the lowest economy expansion since 2013 - only 0.6%. Although the manufacturing sector has been the least performer in 2019, the country maintained its momentum and leading position in exports.
General6 min read
Global Database vs Hoovers, LinkedIn, ZoomInfo and Insideview
Your marketing team needs to carefully balance their data requirements against budget to define which platform is the closest match. And hopefully this guide has gone some way towards helping you decide.
General8 min read
Top 5 Benefits of B2B Data Enrichment APIs You Need to Know About
Knowledge has always been an important factor when sculpting stratagems, but the technology landscape changed both the degree and view on information flow.
Due diligence16 min read
How to Beat Your Business Rivals Using a B2B Data Platform for Competitor Analysis
Having a detailed understanding of your competitors is incredibly important, and should be a part of any company's sales strategy. Carrying out a competitor analysis can be very time-consuming, and end up costing a lot of money, which is why tools such as B2B platforms are such a valuable asset.
Due diligence8 min read
How to Build and Maintain Strong Business Credit
Having a good credit score can ultimately be the difference between success and failure for your business. Given that these reports are available to anyone who wants to see them, including potential lenders and suppliers, it is vital that you are aware of the information that yours currently contains.
Due diligence11 min read
B2B Survival Kit During the Pandemic: the 12 Key-Points to Consider
Keeping a 360° view of the situation and understanding that COVID-19 is only one risk among plenty of others that it brings along, is vital for any business. We’ve compiled a list of key points you should look into during this challenging period.
Due diligence16 min read
Business Intelligence vs. Business Analytics: Which to Choose?
Business intelligence is based primarily around the past and leading up to the current performance of a company, while business analytics is more involved in making predictions about its future, as well as digging deeper and answering 'why'.
Due diligence17 min read
Companies House vs Global Database: How do They Compare for B2B Data?
Companies House may be a good place to start if you're looking for very simple business data, or just checking whether a company is actually registered in the UK. However, in order to build a full overview of your prospects, a more in-depth solution such as that which Global Database provides is needed.
Due diligence5 min read
Social Data: The Future of Online Fraud Prevention?
With over 52 percent of US consumers purchasing products online, it's vital to provide more room for sales improvement and to reduce online fraud
Due diligence5 min read
5 Benefits of B2B Data Providers' Products for the Insurance Companies
The benefits of data providers products usage for insurance companies are numerous. The data providers can cover everything from customer acquisition and retention to sales and distribution teams performance improvement. The thing is those products have to be carefully selected and the providers - competent and reliable. The choice is yours.
Due diligence7 min read
The Importance of Performing Due Diligence Checks on Your Customers
When it comes to new business transactions, it is important that you have confidence in your customers - particularly if there are large sums of money involved and/or your potential clients are not well known. Performing due diligence checks on customers is common-place in the financial sector, where such background checks are not only logical but grounded in legislation