Business Services Industry

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Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

The Global Database Business Services Industry Directory gives you everything you need to generate new business in this $5 trillion industry. Our subscribers have access to 204166 records for companies worldwide, from SMEs to multinational corporations. The contact list can be easily filtered using a wide range of different criteria, allowing you to create incredibly targeted marketing lists much more efficiently.

Each company record held in our business services database includes vital information such as detailed financials, email address, direct phone number, employee information, technologies used, web traffic and more. We have directories for the business services industry for each continent, based on the following regions: Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Caribbean.

Global Business Directory

Total Companies
Latest update

Target Leading Business Services Companies and Their Staff

Such a vast and varied industry as business services requires an exceptionally large workforce. Indeed, there are 3.3 million people working in the sector in the UK alone. The key to successful sales and marketing campaigns however, is targeting the right people. Our business services directory offers 321402 records for executives working in the industry, and they're all filterable based on things like job title, location, department and seniority level. You can easily find the decision makers and pitch to those with real power to purchase.

Business Services Companies
Top Performer Country
Average Companies per Country

There are opportunities in the business services sector all over the world; from the thriving European and US markets to emerging markets that are yet to be fully explored. In order to target businesses in new regions, our business services directory contains accurate and up to date email addresses for businesses of all types. We test each one every 30 days to ensure it's still in use, and as a result can promise one of the highest deliverability rates on the market. Our subscribers are also free to transfer our records to their own CRM using Excel, with no limits or extra charges.

Business Email Database

Accuracy rate
Average Email Contacts per Company
Valid Email Addresses

Business Phone Database

Far from just a standard phone book, our business services industry directory provides direct dial numbers for senior executives across the sector. This allows you to bypass company secretaries who are likely to block any sales calls, and instead get right through to the decision makers at every company. With business services directories available for each continent, Global Database can provide the contacts you need to boost your next cold calling campaign.


Number of Business Services Companies
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Access for a Whole Year - Including Daily Updates as Standard

A subscription to the Global Database business services directory gives you access to our records for a whole year. What's more, because our database is updated on a daily basis, you'll find new leads available each month. Our stringent checks and updates also mean that our data is guaranteed to be at least 93% accurate - if we fail to meet this target we promise to provide you with replacement contacts to say sorry.
