Data Enrichment

DHL - the world's leading logistics company

by Nicolae Buldumac
· 16/04/2019 10:57
DHL - the world's leading logistics company

The latest in our series of case studies, here’s the success story of another customer of Global Database, DHL. Though a global logistics leader with a perfectly built infrastructure and work processes, as well as an extensive network running like clockwork, DHL still needed some support. See how the company benefited from a collaboration with a B2B company data provider, and examine the challenges that Global Database helped overcome.   

DHL - cross borders, reach new markets and grow your business across 220+ countries and territories

Founded in 1969 as a San Francisco to Honolulu document-carrying service, DHL has grown into the world's leading logistics company and most prominent freight carrier, operating in over 200 countries and territories around the globe. The company's global branch network, perfect inter-branch communication and top-level consultancy give it an advantage over its major competitors, such as UPS and FedEx. 

DHL works hard to maintain and improve the strength of its brand. It was ranked 77th on the best global brands list by Interbrand in 2016. The company's brand value has grown from $5080M to $5708M during the past two years. 380,000 professionals working across the DHL network take part in a well-coordinated collaboration that ultimately delivers more than 1.5B parcels every year. 

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One of the critical factors behind DHL’s success is its impressive investment in trend research, and solution development, which takes it several steps ahead of the competition as regards innovation. It even has its own Innovation Centre dedicated to performance logistics solutions. 

One of the Innovation centre's products is a platform that allows customers and stakeholders to interact with DHL experts. Another product, SmartSensor, is designed to protect the parcels and documents against changes in temperature and humidity, shock, light and even air pressure. One more is Resilience360, a risk-management solution that provides real-time analysis of problems encountered by vessels, trains or trucks en route. 

Another success factor is DHL’s massive investment in developing countries, the company's way of expanding into new and promising markets. For example, India enjoys $16.3M set aside for new technology development, with goals like effective delivery drones and even better logistics management. But the company's interest in Asian countries doesn't end here.  

A vast and strongly supported network with a low-cost structure, high-end automation and multiple outlets in almost every country make DHL products and services available to the majority of the Earth's population in terms of the main popularity factors: geographical proximity, delivery promptness and financial availability. 

Last but not least, brand awareness is carefully cultivated by the company via a well-functioning and interactive website, strong social media presence and high level of charity involvement. These efforts grow customer engagement levels, draw massive amounts of internet traffic and drive numerous sales. 

Thanks to the outstanding results of its branding, internal culture, innovations and business development strategy, DHL is in a robust financial position, supported by multiple sources and strengthened by numerous customer-led services provided by the company. This in turn has led to high levels of trust among existing clients, and DGHL is attracting even more new clients year-on-year. 


DHL new markets expansion backed up by Global Database

Even though DHL is a well-established global company with a vast network and highly skilled employees, it still needs professional help in certain areas. The company keeps growing and searching for new development possibilities, the Asia Pacific region being one of the directions of interest. Detailed market research is something DHL is taking very seriously, and they found themselves in need of accurate, comprehensive, exhaustive data on certain Asian countries to reach more new local clients more efficiently. 

The company faced multiple challenges on their journey to reaching more new clients in Southeast Asia:

  1. Limited company data available for most of the businesses from specific Southeast Asian countries made it difficult to correctly assess the number of prospects, their background and expansion possibilities

  2. Low-quality contact data for most local companies was a serious obstacle to reaching those who might be interested in DHL services. The bounce rates from emails were far too high to continue working that way 

  3. In-house data collection, accompanied by extensive research into local businesses,  picking out addresses and phone numbers one by one from open sources, took a very long time and proved extremely expensive. Nor did it meet the company’s policies of timeliness and cost-reduction  

A short demo call with Global Database sales reps told DHL executives they’d be given immediate support with the right quality data. Our solution was simple but extremely effective. DHL was provided with full access to our B2B company database and advanced filtering system. They accessed all the companies in the country of interest, narrowed the search down to companies of a specific size, revenue and number of employees, and managed to bypass multiple gatekeepers to reach the decision-makers. They were able even to define the possible pain points of each company, guided by the financial and digital insights our database provides, then craft highly-personalised offers to local companies, gaining many loyal clients from the very first contact attempt. 

As a result of Global Database's high levels of accuracy, DHL was able to access quality leads with a much better chance of converting into customers. What's more, with new profiles being added to the database daily, they are enjoying a flow of fresh leads at their fingertips without having to source the data in-house. 

After registering on our platform, DHL representatives had access to a vast company database covering Asia, including over 200,000 companies from their specific country of interest, which meant it not only conquered the country in question but also expanded its client network in other Asian countries as well. 

To sum up…

DHL is dedicated to shared values, embraces the responsible business approach, strives for a consistent balance between ecology, economy and society, and aims to remain the best, delivering globally. It’s something to admire, and something that would be impossible without carefully selected collaboration with professionals from different fields.

One of DHL’s strongest traits is its uncanny ability to establish strategic partnerships with reliable counterparties. We are delighted to play a part in this robust, high-performing partnership strategy by contributing to the company's success in conquering new markets.

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