Germany Industry Database

Global Database German business directory features an awing segmentation by SIC-codes, averaging at about 320 thousand entries per industry.

Proceed with confidence knowing that your company’s folders are filled with up-to-date intelligence no matter the field you are researching. Should you require, we can deliver key data to solving matters starting from agriculture and ending in wholesale.

Average Company per Industry
318 065
Germany Biggest Industry
Number of Industries in Germany

Germany Email Database

The continuous efficiency and returns of email marketing help one easily forget about going through time-consuming middlemen and redirected calls. 

Global Database Germany business email list guarantees that your message is directly delivered to the intended target. It features an exorbitant amount of 355,440 listing entries up and coming.

Accuracy Rate
Average email contacts per company
Number of Industries in Germany
355 440

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Lead generation and stockholders’ timely due diligence form the essence of any business’s security and continuity