When we talk about a content marketing funnel, we are usually thinking about using valuable, engaging content to push potential customers towards making a purchase. However, this is often not achievable. Most people don’t make an instant purchases.
We need to find a way to bring these prospects into the fold and nurture them, with the aim of them encouraging a purchase sometime down the line. One of the best ways to do this is to try and get a website visitor to subscribe to a newsletter mailing list. They can then be engaged with relevant content in an attempt to convert them into paying clients. But how do we get them to subscribe to a newsletter? Getting website visitors to perform an action such as filling in a subscription form is notoriously tricky to do.
Global Database has a wealth of experience in helping businesses build and maintain mailing lists, and has come forward with some advice. Here are some general guidelines for turning website visitors into newsletter subscribers:
B2B and B2C are not Equal
What works well for turning site traffic into newsletter subscriptions in the B2C space, does not necessarily transfer over to a B2B scenario. The customer journey for B2B is very different to the B2C customer journey.
In a B2B scenario, there is a need to engage site visitors with educational content, that they can use as a basis for making an informed purchasing decision. In a B2C scenario, we typically need to offer some form of incentive for signing up for a newsletter.
B2B Revolves around Education
Most B2B buyers are not ready to make a purchase the first time they encounter a company’s value proposition. They are much more likely to be doing web-based research and fact finding to evaluate possible products or services that fit their requirements.
So when we have a new B2B visitor arriving at a website, we need to do two specific things. We need to a) convince them that the products/services on offer fit their requirements and b) make sure we capture contact details so that we can turn them into leads.
Pushing B2B visitors towards subscribing to a newsletter can actually fulfil both needs. And we can do this by offering them educational content such as white papers and case studies in return for their contact details. This type of content is valuable marketing collateral. It helps educate visitors, and build the company’s reputation as a thought leader within their market.
So how do we turn this type of marketing material into newsletter subscriptions? The answer is simple. We turn it into downloadable content, with an email capture form as the gatekeeper for accessing the download.
B2C Revolves around Enticement
Consumers are almost always looking for the best value. A perfect combination of product price, quality and customer service. And if we always keep this at the forefront of our efforts to turn website visitors into newsletter subscribers, we can simplify our efforts a lot.
We need to give consumers a reason for subscribing to our newsletter. And there are many excellent enticements that can be offered, such as:
Promise additional discounts to subscribers.
Offer a unique bonus code or promotion for subscribing to the newsletter.
Inform them that newsletter subscribers gain access to the best promotions.
Suggest to them that subscribing to the newsletter will help keep them up to date with new product offerings and special discounts.
In simple terms, we are giving them something with solid value as a reward for subscribing to a newsletter. The potential ways in which this can be done are myriad, but as long as you offer something of value either in real cash terms or in perceived value, then it is a good hook for driving subscriptions.
Don’t Forget to Elevate
Actually capturing a name and email address for a newsletter subscription should not be seen as the final step. Once you have engaged a website visitor enough for them to actually take the time to subscribe, make sure you follow up with a welcome email.
Within this mail is the perfect place to promote your current best product/service offerings, in a way that shows new subscribers that they matter. This involves offering them special prices/deals/bonuses for signing up, and pointing them towards other content they may find valuable.