New Zealand Companies Database

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New Zealand Business Database

With the Global Database companies database, New Zealand businesses are at your fingertips, whether you are targeting the market for the first time or running your 50th campaign in the region, we have everything you need to give your marketing activities a real boost.

Our directory holds 1495702 total records for the region, with contact details to put you directly through to key decision markers, as well as informative details about each company's size, structure, financial records, and more. Our B2B marketing database provides a complete, value-for-money solution for all of your New Zealand marketing efforts.

  • Build highly-targeted contact lists in minutes

  • Add a constant stream of new leads to your sales pipeline

  • Qualify leads before adding them to your campaigns

  • Carry our due diligence checks on potential customers and business partners

  • Confirm the current accuracy of your contact data against ours

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Total Companies
Latest update

New Zealand Industry Database

The Global Marketing company intelligence and email marketing database allows users to find leads across a total of 34 different verticals. These cover everything from finance to engineering, marketing to agriculture and IT to transport and logistics. With 1495702 New Zealand records in total, we are sure to have leads for whatever sector you are focusing on.

Analyze and select your target industries

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Average Company per Industry
New Zealand Biggest Industry
Education & Training
Number of Industries in New Zealand

New zealand Business Credit Reports

Did you know there’s an easy — yet often overlooked — way to help your company minimize risk and make more informed decisions? When you access a business credit report of your current and future B2B partners, you’ll have the tools needed to protect your cash flow and connect with the most valuable prospects in the Education & Training industry in New Zealand:

Businesses in the B2B market in New Zealand, commonly need to extend credit for goods and services to their partners, but most businesses in New Zealand don’t evaluate the financial health of their partners. Instead, they assume the quality of the relationship provides enough protection. Without a business credit report, you aren’t able to see the company’s credit limit, payment history, or group structure, potentially opening yourself up to a level of risk that can have big financial consequences.

So what’s the first step in setting yourself up for success? Accessing the Global Database Business Credit Report platform. You’ll get essential data for 2123 businesses in the Education & Training industry in New Zealand. You can be assured that with a business credit report, you’ll have what you need to avoid fraud, keep healthy cash flow levels, understand your prospects’ group structure, and monitor credit risk for your current and new partners alike.

Enter company name or reg. number
Business Credit Reports

New Zealand Email Address Database

Despite some experts predicting the fall of email marketing after the boom in social media use, in reality this never came to fruition, and email remains one of, if not the, most popular channels due to the excellent ROI it provides; in fact, research from Monetate states that it drives more conversions than any other marketing channel, including search and social.

The Global Database New Zealand contact directory holds over 495787 email addresses for the region, giving your business the opportunity to build sales relationships with thousands of key players throughout the country.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

New Zealand Phone Database

Telesales campaigns can still be extremely lucrative, provided of course that you are able to get through to the right people. The global Database New Zealand company phone database is comprised of 21027 direct dial phone numbers, so you can avoid gatekeepers and get straight through to the people with the power to buy.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

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Number of companies in New Zealand
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

New Zealand B2B Marketing Database

The Global Database New Zealand directory makes quick work of finding the exact types of contacts your product requires. You can search and segment the data to reveal the specific demographics you need, and then transfer it to your CRM with unlimited Excel exports. If you're looking solely to speak to senior staff members, you can even use the filter in our online platform to narrow your search down to CEOs, CTOs and senior managers in New Zealand companies.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a list of business emails?

To access your business email addresses, you must request our online platform with your name, corporate work email, and business phone number. After that, you are granted a one-year license to the list of business email addresses, and the price varies according to your requirements.

Is there a mobile phone directory in NZ?

Yes, our New Zealand list offers cell phones for employees, managers, and even directors. Global Database currently has 15,765 cell phones in New Zealand.

What are NZ top 10 companies?

Top companies by valuation for 2022 in the Global Database:

  • XERO

How many listed companies are there in New Zealand?

There are currently 67,135 companies registered in New Zealand. Our Global Database ensures that the data we list is accurate and legally compliant.

What is the largest business in New Zealand?

Xero is a New Zealand technology company that provides cloud-based accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses. The company has several offices in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as offices in Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Africa.

  • Employees: 4,784 (2022)
  • Founded: 2006; 16 years ago in Wellington, New Zealand
  • Founders: Rod Drury; Hamish Edwards
  • Net Revenue: NZ$9.11 million (2022)

How many IT companies are there in NZ?

In New Zealand, our Global Database currently has 668 officially registered IT companies. We guarantee 95% accuracy in our company data. If you find outdated records, we will promptly replace them with the latest officially available information.