United Kingdom Business Phone Database
The Global Database United Kingdom phone directory provides access to 1,488,568 business numbers for the country.
The multiple filters are designed to make your search easy, with your call list narrowed down to just the people you really need to reach, like senior managers, CTO’s or even company directors. UK company decision makers can now be accessed without getting blocked by gatekeepers.
Provide your BDRs with the right tools
Book a DemoUnited Kingdom B2B Email Lists
The Global Database United Kingdom business directory’s use for marketers isn’t just limited to the accurate business email database with hundreds of thousands of contacts only in the UK. The platform subscription also enables you to create highly targeted campaigns, narrowing your search down to the specific criteria your company is aiming at, like:
- Industry – target people from the specific sector your company is interested in
- Sales volume – send your offers to companies that actually have the budget for your product
- Number of employees – assess a company's overall size
- Employees seniority level – access company employees of any job title
Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
Request Free TrialFrequently Asked Questions
Where can I find the Global Database UK email database?
Once you have the access to our platform you can easily select the "Location" and the "Region" you need, then press on "Advanced Search" - "Only Select Companies That" and then click on "Have email Adress". Now you have the email list you need!
How can I request the UK business email list?
Our subscribers have access to a platform where all e-mail addresses of directors, managers and employees are collected. To gain access to this platform, you can contact our sales representative.
What are the main benefits of using the UK business directory API?
Benefits of using the UK Business Directory API:
- Reduced development time: no need to waste time on solutions that have already been implemented.
- Reducing the human factor and improving reliability: The API can take into account the nuances of the application, which the developer may not have foreseen.
- Systematicity and predictability: Thanks to the use of APIs, the same functions in different applications are implemented in the same way, which makes user interaction easier.
What type of information does the UK companies directory Credit report represent?
Every credit report, including the UK credit report, begins with a credit rating and risk summary, credit limit recommendations, and key financial ratios. This is followed by a company profile, credit limit history, national court decisions, mortgages and collections, 5 years of in-depth financials, key performance indicators and ratios, and general company contact information.
How many companies are listed in the UK directory list?
The UK Business Directory lists 2,920,592 companies. All of them are currently active.
Can I order a Demo for UK business lists?
We provide a demo for most products. From the demo you can find out if our type of information suits you, it only takes 20-25 minutes. You can request a demo in advance and our specialists will contact you soon.
What is the best UK B2B Companies?
- Leadbook - Leadbook is a database and data service provider backed by proprietary A.I. powered data technology and a global database of 200 million verified business contacts.
- Gorodata - Gorodata is a data provider offering B2B Leads Data, Firmographic Data, Company Data, LinkedIn Data, and UK B2B Data.
- MarketScan - MarketScan is a data provider offering B2B Leads Data, B2B Contact Data, and UK B2B Data. They are headquartered in United Kingdom.
Can I order a free trial to see what type of information is listed in the UK company directory?
Yes, of course, you can order a free trial to see the type of information we provide. We provide this option so that our users are convinced of the quality of our work.